NHIndustries, the producer of the NH90 helicopters, believes Norway’s termination of the helicopter contract is “legally unfounded.”
“NHIndustries is extremely disappointed with the decision from the Norwegian Ministry of Defense and rejects the accusations aimed at the NH90 and the company,” the company wrote in a statement on Friday.
They further added that they were not given the opportunity to discuss a proposal to improve NH90 availability in Norway, as well as address special Norwegian requirements.
The Ministry of Defense announced on Friday that they are terminating the contract for 14 NH90 helicopters that were supposed to be used by the Coast Guard and the Norwegian Navy.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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Why? They never lived up to their part of the contract according to the above article “Norway terminates contract with supplier of helicopters, demands 5 billion kroner to be paid back”
The contract should have been null and void a long time ago.