The younger children are when they immigrate, the better chance they have of surviving in Norway. This is in respect to job prospects, income and occupational status. The worst is for those that are teenagers when they arrive in the country.
The figures come from a study of 30,000 immigrants, published in Aftenposten and journal Demography.
Researcher Are Skeie Hermansen with the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo says that teenage immigrants fare worse in life than their siblings.
Where older kids systematically come out worse than the younger ones when it comes to finding employment, income and occupational status.
They also have a greater risk of being welfare recipients, where the age group 13 – 18 year olds have a 10% greater likelihood to receive support from NAV compared with Norwegian-born children of immigrants.
Among those who work, the older group of immigrants, earn an average of NOK 90,000 million less per year than children born in Norway to immigrant parents.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today