Nav has revealed several fraud cases after a notification card was delivered from computers with IP addresses abroad.
In Drammen, two such cases will soon be before the court, NRK news writes. Nav suspected these because the IP addresses were traced to Iraq and Spain.
– The two are the partly revealed by IP addresses. Showing that the employment status form coming from abroad, said police attorney Hans Sounds Haare.
Nav Reviewed insurance fraud for over 300 million in 2015, a total of 1,472 individuals were reviewed. The figures for 2016 are presented at the end of the month
Also previously Nav used IP addresses to detect benefit fraud. In 2014, a man from Hamar was sentenced to 45 days imprisonment after delivering a notification card in Kurdistan.
In January last year an online newspaper wrote about a poker player who was convicted of having defrauded Nav 311 800 million in work assessment allowance. He had delivered a notification card every 14 days from Thailand.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today