JesusKvinner joins March 8th parade – against the main slogan
JesusKvinner makes their debut as participants in the parade on the International Women’s Day, March 8th. They will march under the slogan «Freedom of religion for the women of the world». They are clear that they are against the main slogan, «Defend self-determined abortion – Remove the committees».
JesusKvinner (Women for Jesus) will march under Åpne Dørers (Open Doors) slogan «Freedom of religion for the women of the world», in the section of the parade which has slogans for international solidarity. The March 8th Committee’s slogan in the section is «Norway must take responsibility – grant victims of trafficking a permit to stay».
JesusKvinner is not a problem
Information Manager of Åpne Dører, Linda Askeland, believes that their participation is not problematic.
“I realise that there are questions regarding this. On the March 8th Committee’s pages, it says that those who join the parade must agree to one of the main slogans and march under that,” Askeland tells the newspaper Dagen, who first mentioned the issue.
The Administrative Leader of JesusKvinner, Mai-Linn Strand, says that there are many slogans that they don’t support, including the main slogan «Defend self-determined abortion – Remove the committees».
Press Liaison of the March 8th Committee in Oslo, Hanne Størset, tells Vårt Land that discussions and disagreements about slogans are not a novelty. She states that everybody can participate in the March 8th Parade, as long as they do not directly oppose the prioritised slogans or are deemed as unacceptable by the committee. A slogan such as «Say No to self-determined abortion», would, as an example, not be allowed.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today