The Green Party (MDG) has been nominated by Kampanje’s Electoral Jury as the winner of the election campaign. The party has emerged clearly in the most messy election campaign of all time, says the jury.
The award was presented on TV 2 Sunday morning by juror Terje Svabø and editor Knut Kristian Hauger of Kampanje.
“In the most messy election campaign in which the traditional governing parties have lost their grip, MDG stands out as clear, credible and only a little unsteady. They swept the other climate parties off the track and stand behind the election’s best quote: “I love the road-toll ring.” If they continue to mobilise, and especially the younger ones, the party may be the big surprise in 2021,” the jury’s statement states.
For almost 30 years, Kampanje has elected one party as the winner of the election campaign itself. This is the first time the Green Party has won.
“This is very nice. We are most concerned about politics, but it is also nice to get recognition for a campaign that we also think has been successful,” says MDG leader Une Bastholm.
“We have been very clear on what we want and not just what we do not want. And I think we have managed to show how environmental issues are connected, and that the environment and people are connected, she says.
The environmental party has shot up on polls through the election campaign. They also became the country’s second largest party in the Children’s elections earlier this week.
In 2017, SV (Socialistic Left Party) was named winner of the Kampanje election. Four years ago, it was the Kristelig Folkeparti (Christian People’s Party) that got the victory.
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