Children born in the last two months of the year must still wait long for available place in kindergarten.
This fall the child born in September and October got first place at kindergartens from the age of one year.
Earlier only children born before August 31 had this right but the government decided to partially extend the scheme earlier this year.
Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen said at that time that he would consider an extension also for the children born in November and December.
– We must take one step at a time, said Isaksen.
Parents who had hoped that the next step would come next year, however, will be disappointed. The government has not found the money for next year’s budget.
– There will be no further extension of the court next year, but it may come at a later stage, said Mr Magnus Thue in the Ministry of Education to news agency NTB.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today