Large unspoilt natural areas in Norway threatened by wind power development

Wind powerWind power.Photo:

Wind power in Norway will seize 630 square kilometers of untouched nature in Norway according to the Norwegian Environmental Agency. This corresponds to about one and a half times the area to Oslo.

The NVE and the Norwegian Environmental Agency have calculated that the total plan area for wind power will be just under 1,600 square kilometers. In total, it’s 142,500 square kilometers of untouched nature in this country reported NRK news.

A number of nature and outdoor organizations, among them the Norwegian Society for Nature Conservation and the Norwegian Tourist Association believe that wind power will seize around 2,000 square kilometers – an area the size of Vestfold – by 2030. In addition, construction roads in Norway will double in length.

The Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Kjell-Børge Freiberg of Fremskrittsparti (FRP) pointed out that the national framework for wind power, which is under consultation until 1 October, must not be regarded as a development plan.

‘’The development of profitable wind power creates value and generates revenue for the community. In addition, it provides climate-friendly energy that can replace the use of fossil energy in several sectors’’ Freiberg told NRK.

The UN Nature Panel (IPBES) believes that the loss of nature due to land development is a greater threat to the world than climate change.

At the same time, the Environmental Agency believes that a fifth of all
mapped Norwegian species are threatened because we take over their habitats. Roads, and energy plants are the biggest threat to untouched nature.

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