The Radiumhospitalet in Oslo has implemented measures after the legionella bacteria has been found in the hospital. The source of the infection has not been found.
“Legionella bacteria has been proven in water samples we took on 16 May. This is shown in results of analysis that are partly available today. No patients have contracted the infection at this time,” says infection control consultant Egil Lingsaas at Oslo University Hospital to TV 2.
Thus, no one is allowed to shower or drink the tap water before filters are in place. The bacterium is distributed via water and reproduces in water. It is not infectious between people.
Annually 20-30 cases of legionella infection are registered in Norway. About half of the patients have been infected abroad. During the last major outbreak in Østfold in 2005, 55 people were infected. Ten of them lost their lives.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today