The Directorate of Fisheries proposes limitations in lobster fishery
The Directorate of Fisheries proposes stronger protection of lobsters after it has been found that the existing protection is no longer sufficient. Deadline for submitting comments on the increased limitations in the catching of lobsters is July 7th.
Cooked North Atlantic Lobster. Photo:
The background for the tightening proposals is a report from the Institute of Marine Research, which shows that lobster fishery has increased considerably in the period from 2008 to 2013. The increase in fishing has counteracted the regulations introduced in 2008 and 2009.
At that time, it was set minimum size for lobster along the entire coast, the time of conservation was extended, and catching lobster carrying exposed eggs was banned. It was also required to have escape routes in all lobster pots and stricter rules for the use of baskets.
Increased catching
The Institute of Marine Research has now evaluated the effects of these measures.
The conclusion is that increased fishing may have counteracted the positive effects of regulatory measures, and therefore there is a need for stronger protection of lobster, which as we know, is highly sought after on the food table.
Several new measures are therefore proposed to strengthen the protection of the lobster. One also seeks to acquire better data about this popular harvesting.
The measures include:
- Everyone must register for fishing, including recreational fishermen.
- Minimal size should only be measured as total length, not the length of the rear part.
- You have to tend to the lobster tines at least once a week. This requirement is introduced as of the coming lobster season in 2017.
- It is required that lobster pots must be biodegradable, to prevent so-called ghost fishing.
- There is still economic provisions given to municipalities that wish to introduce conservation areas.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today