Listhaug: – Depending on good cooperation with Turkey

Listhaug: - Depending on the good cooperation with TurkeyOslo.Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix

EU is discussing bold moves,  immigration and integration minister Sylvi Listhaug thinks and says Norway will  be watching the discussion closely.
– It is important to put in place solutions that limit human trafficking and reduce migration pressures on Europe. The statements from EU leaders last night shows that EU  is discussing new and bold moves that could help improving the situation, Listhaug says after the summit between the EU and Turkey on Monday.
Turkish and European leaders are considering a possible return scheme of migrants and refugees from the Greek islands back to Turkey. In return, the EU will bring Syrian refugees directly from Turkey.
– The important thing for us is that the new measures will affect the influx to Europe and Norway, Listhaug says in a statement to news agency NTB.
On Thursday the Minister of Immigration will be attending a meeting for the Ministers of Justice in the EU countries. She has previously stated herself amenable to a European quota system if it stops other kinds of influx of refugees.
– For Europe, it is essential to reduce the migration pressure towards the outer borders, combat trafficking, get who comes over the borders under control, and deciding on an overall and ordered allocation of responsibilities between the European countries, says Listhaug.
– It is good that the European leaders are now doing their utmost to achieve this. They depend on good cooperation with Turkey in order to succeed.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

2 Comments on "Listhaug: – Depending on good cooperation with Turkey"

  1. Lee m. Tran | 10. April 2016 at 06:00 |

    Thank you . I like to read Norway (Oslo) news because it is written in English.

  2. Lee m. Tran | 10. April 2016 at 06:04 |

    Magnificent news at all time is, and it is in English which I can understand.

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