‘Europeans are now experiencing the fears you have experienced for decades,’ said immigration minister, Sylvi Listhaug of Fremskrittsparti (Frp) in an interview with Israeli widely read Ynet newspaper, which is the online edition of the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, which interviewed the immigration and integration minister in Oslo.
‘Many people now understand the situation you live under. We see what’s happening in Sweden, the UK and France,’said Listhaug.
She went on, ‘Now we understand what Israel is experiencing.’
The Israeli newspaper had covered Listhaug’s and FrP’s support for Israel.
‘It doesn’t mean that we support everything you do, but you have the right to defend the people and their borders, because you live in a region that has many problems,’ she said.
In the interview, the Frp minister also commented on the news that a Danish colleague, Inger Støjberg, uses a controversial Muhammad caricature as wallpaper on her iPad.
Listhaug said she doesn’t necessarily support the content of the cartoon, but she defended the Danish Immigration Minister’s right to publish it.
‘People have been killed because they spoke their mind, as at Charlie Hebdo. It is the new norm that Europeans restrict their freedom of speech to avoid offending minorities,’ said Listhaug in a torrent of self-righteous thinking out loud.
In 1918, the area that is today Israel/Palestine had a population of 60,000 Jewish people, and 600,000 non-Jewish people. By 1948, in just 30 years, those figures had changed to 716,700 Jewish people, and 156,000 non Jewish people. In 2017, there are 6,484,000 Jewish people and 2,196,000 non-Jewish people living in thise region.
All these figures derive from the Jewish Virtual Library.
The vast majority of Jews living in Israel/Palestine today, over 80%, are so called ‘Ashkenazi Jews’, who’s ancestry is derived from Eastern Europe and Turkey.
They converted to Judaism between 600 and 800 years ago, and have no genetic or geographic descendent relationship to ancient Israel or Palestine whatsoever.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today
What imigratation minister says is her own she idea and she can’t represents Norwegian, while Norway has very nice people who thinks differently. norway is a peaceful country but people like her with ill mentality destabilize Norway. Wish Norway more peace.
You ignoramus! I love Norway and most Norwegians, but your stupidity has shamed them horribly.
“The vast majority of Jews living in Israel/Palestine today, over 80%, are so called ‘Ashkenazi Jews’, who’s ancestry is derived from Eastern Europe and Turkey.
They converted to Judaism between 600 and 800 years ago, and have no genetic or geographic descendent relationship to ancient Israel or Palestine whatsoever.”
That is not true. First, Israel is about 40% Ashkenazi, not 80%. Everyone knows that.
Secondly, Ashkenazi Jews are not all or mostly converts, they came from ancient Israel. They took many Italian convert wives and later some Baltic-Slavic men too, so they have some European genes, but mostly they are ancient Near Eastern, including the J2 haplogroup.