Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug would like to get asylum centers to get better at getting more people to return home voluntarily.
Listhaug was impressed when she visited Oscar Gata reception in Vadso this weekend.
– They have a very high percentage of voluntary returns compared with the other reception.
We want to get the other receiving centers to work in the same way and put aside five million on next year for this, says the Minister to news agency NTB.
She says the employees tell asylum seekers how life can be in Norway if they are granted a residence and simultaneously how it might turn out to those who are rejected, but still choose to be illegal.
– This reality orientation has led to this reception becoming the best in Northern Norway when it comes to voluntary return, says Listhaug adding that voluntary return is in every way preferable in compare with forced return.
Center manager Per Yngve Christensen says to NRK that it’s not about coercing someone, but to get the asylum seekers to reflect.
– We try to be open and honest. Residents are normal, intelligent people. They realize that if someone is trying to push them into something, say
Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug would like to get asylum centers to get better at getting more people to return home voluntarily.
Listhaug was impressed when she visited Oscar Gata reception in Vadso this weekend.
– They have a very high percentage of voluntary returns compared with the other reception.
We want to get the other receiving centers to work in the same way and put aside five million on next year for this, says the Minister to news agency NTB.
She says the employees tell asylum seekers how life can be in Norway if they are granted a residence and simultaneously how it might turn out to those who are rejected, but still choose to be illegal.
– This reality orientation has led to this reception becoming the best in Northern Norway when it comes to voluntary return, says Listhaug adding that voluntary return is in every way preferable in compare with forced return.
Center manager Per Yngve Christensen says to NRK that it’s not about coercing someone, but to get the asylum seekers to reflect.
– We try to be open and honest. Residents are normal, intelligent people. They realize that if someone is trying to push them into something, says Christensen.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today
This is called voluntary return but in fact, the environment is designed to push the asylum seekers to leave country. Have two faces will be sooner revealed. Put asylum seekers in 1,5*2 square meter room for more than a year. This type of jail which a Norwegian government call it asylum centers will not be accepted for no free man even though they left country for war. In this condition to die is much better then living in jail for no crime. Just the crime that came to Norway. The country which claim very high for human right while nothing is visible except in media. The media which also slaved for a big amount of governmental money.
My opinion, it is better to remove the Geneva convention from the immigration role.