Fremskrittsparti (Frp) will ban loud speaker call to prayers from Norwegian mosques even if it violates human rights.
“I don’t care,” said the party’s immigration policy spokesperson.
“I’m blowing away what human rights provisions say in this case. I am concerned that people have peace and quiet in their neighbourhoods, and that means not to be disturbed with calls to prayers. If there are conflicting provisions in the human rights convention, I simply do not care because it’s too stupid,’’ said Frp’s immigration policy spokesman Jon Helgheim to Vårt Land newspaper.
The background is a proposal for a ban presented at the party’s annual conference this weekend. The last time Frp suggested such a thing, the Ministry of Justice concluded that a general ban on loud speaker shout-outs is probably contrary to the freedom of religion as described in the European Convention on Human Rights.
As far as Vårt Land is aware, today there are no Norwegian mosques practicing prayer calls in public. Nevertheless,Helgheim thinks a ban is in place.
“We must have the ball dead first and last. Prayer calls are something that most people don’t want. We have looked at the debates that have flared up when Norwegian municipalities have granted such permits earlier. It causes great distress and annoyance for neighbours who are affected,’’ said Helgheim.
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