A total of 181 representatives in the Swedish parliament supported the no-confidence motion against the Swedish government. The proposal needed 175 votes to get a majority.
This is the first time ever that a Swedish prime minister has been voted down in such a vote.
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has announced a press conference at 11.30 AM. He now has two choices – resign or announce new elections.
The Sweden Democrats put forward the proposal. In addition, the Left Party, the Moderates, and the Christian Democrats voted in favor of the no-confidence motion.
“We have ended up in this situation because arrogance and irrationality have been prioritized over the country’s stability and the political will to compromise,” the Left Party’s leader Nooshi Dadgostar said before Monday’s vote.
The Left Party supported the no-confidence motion due to the government proposal on the market liberalization of the rental price of new homes.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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