In 2015, 300 marriages were contracted between same sex couples. This is the most marriages of same-sex couples since the new marriages act was introduced in 2009. A total of 22 700 couples got married in 2015.
In the first year of the new marriages act, 283 same sex couples were married. In the five intervening years, an average of 263 marriages were contracted between persons of the same sex. Nearly two thirds of the same-sex couple marriages were between two women.
22 700 married in 2015
A total of 22 700 couples were married in 2015, which is slightly less than the previous year. Since 2008, when 25 300 couples got married, the number of marriages has gradually decreased, except in the year 2012. A total of 9 300 couples divorced and 10 500 couples separated in 2015. Of these, 68 and 90 were same sex couples respectively.
Source: SSB / Norway Today