The Crown Princess is one of the initiators behind a network of wealthy women who contribute to development projects aimed at girls and women.
The Crown Princess said to NRK news, who has been with her on a visit to an aid project in Tanzania, that she will come out of the conference rooms and work with ordinary people. She shared this wish with Vice President Kate Roberts from the American aid organization PSI.
“The Norwegian government has said, and we believe, that private money will be needed if we are to reach UN goals to eradicate all poverty. Our idea was to use private money to test projects on a small scale and then let other donors come in when they see that it works,” explains Mette-Marit. She says it is a kind of buddy system where each of the participants spend time and money on a particular project.
In addition to the crown princess and Roberts, Melinda Gates, wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, is among the initiators of The Maverick Collective. The Women’s Network will be presented in Copenhagen this Pentecost weekend after working in secret for three years.
“We wanted to prove that we have something first. Now we have 14 projects in 14 countries. We have more than 250 million kroner and reach around 300,000 women and girls,” said the Crown Princess.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today