The Islamic State (IS) still has pockets in Syria and Iraq.
Therefore, a military effort is still necessary, said Secretary of State, Ine Eriksen Søreide of Høyre (H).
‘’There is concern that ISIL (IS) is strengthened elsewhere,such as in Afghanistan, North Africa and Sahel. This is a development that concerns the countries affected, and the coalition and international organizations follow the situation closely. In addition, ISIL still poses a serious threat to Europe,’’Søreide said when she presented her report on the fight against IS to parliament on Wednesday.
Since 2014, Norway has participated in the US-led coalition’s efforts,including military force contributions and stabilization funds.
The government will increase support for Iraq by 20% to 350 million this year,” said Søreide.
“We can show good results for the Norwegian efforts so far.The population in the liberated areas experience a steady improvement of basic social services,’’ she said.
Of the around 100 Norwegian foreign fighters who have traveled to Syria and Iraq, approximately 30 have been killed, according to the Foreign Minister. Between 30 and 40 are still in IS’s remaining areas, while approximately 40 have returned to Norway.
‘’We can expect that women with a connection to foreigners, and children of these, will want to return.The government’s action plan against radicalisation and violent extremism, has also taken measures against this group,” said Søreide
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