Several moose and deer calves are now dying of exhaustion because they are not getting enough food due to large amounts of snow, informs the game warden in Målselv in Troms.
Tor Eriksen, the deputy head of the game committee in Målselv, tells Nordlys that snow has been falling like crazy in Indre Troms lately, and they see that animals are struggling with exhaustion.
– “That is why we ask hunters and landowners to cut down in the pastures for the animals so that they get food. They can cut down trees and use it for wood. There are twigs left on the ground, which the animals can eat. We are watching several animals that are small and partly exhausted,” he says.
Large plowed roads mean that moose and deer save energy by walking on the roads themselves, which has led to several collisions. The Game Committee does not encourage illegal driving, but says that moose and deer can also follow the tracks of scooters and tractors.
– “This means that we get fewer animals on the roads, and thus fewer animals struck by traffic,” says Eriksen.
Five years ago, around 30 young animals died as a result of exhaustion, which Eriksen says must be avoided this year.
– “We have to try to stay ahead this time,” he says.
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