More than 80% of those who participated in a new survey believe that corona measures should remain as they are today or be increased.
A total of 30% of those surveyed believe that the scope of infection control measures should be increased, while 55% believe that the measures in their own municipality should remain as they are today, according to a survey Opinion carried out for the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS).
Only 9% believe the measures should be reduced.
“The fact that so many have such a high level of trust in both the measures and the information is the best feedback the municipalities can get in a situation that is still demanding for many,” KS chairman of the board Bjørn Arild Gram noted.
High trust in publicly provided information
The survey, which was conducted last week, also shows that most people trust the information they receive from the municipality.
Seven out of ten Norwegians answered that they trust the information, and women have higher trust in the information than men.
There is also growing confidence in the information coming from the government.
According to the survey, Norwegians rely most on information coming from the health authorities and least on the information they receive through the media.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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