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Motorists gets ice through windshield in Oslo

Car window.Photo: Politiet / NTB scanpix

A motorist driving at Ryen in Oslo on Saturday night, got a big ice-lump through his vehicle’s front window when he passed under an overpass.Nobody has so far been arrested.


‘It was just luck that the driver wasn’t seriously injured. The ice was thrown from the overpass which crosses Ring 3 at Manglerud subway station, tweeted the police at 12.40 on Sunday morning.

The driver of the car that was struck reported it to the police. Ambulance personnel saw to the driver on the spot, but he wasn’t seriously injured.

‘He was upset, and said his face was covered in blood. It is still unclear whether he was hit by the ice, or if it was from the glass that broke,’ said operations manager, Vidar Pedersen, of Oslo police district to VG newspaper.

The ice lump was the size of a football, and it broke the windshield. The operations manager told NTB news that the accident occurred in a 60km per hour zone.

Oslo police want contact with witnesses who were in the area and may have seen something in the time between 10 and 20 minutes past midnight.

A particularly interesting witness observation was made by a taxi driver who saw seven to eight people on the bridge when the car was hit.

‘This is a matter we are taking very seriously, and we will use research resources,’ said Pedersen.

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