New emission measurements could lead to lain car prices

Queues on the motorways around Oslo. Photo Erik Johansen / NTB scanpix

A new EU standard for more accurate measurement of cars’ fuel consumption will come into force as of September. The measurement method could lead to a significant increase in car prices.


Most car importers have already updated their price lists according to the method to be used in the transition period up to 2019 wrote Dagens Næringsliv newspaper. What’s happening after the New Year, however, is completely uncertain.

“The big change happens at the turn of the year. Countries like Sweden and Belgium have been out early to say that the transitional regime will be continued in 2019. We think it is a sensible assessment. In Norway, we do not know how large the fees with the EU standard will be,” said Frode Hebnes, Managing Director of Bilia Norge.

Calculations made by car importers, however, indicate that most cars will be tens of thousands of kroner more expensive due to the increase in taxes. If the entire tax increase is added to the car buyers, the average increase in new car prices could be as high as 14%.


© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today