In a new poll yesterday,Conservative Party (Høyre) pulled further ahead, but since both cooperative parties, Høyre and their government colleagues, Progress Party (FrP) got their returns, they have lost the majority.
In the poll, conducted by Norfakta for the Klassekampen and Nationen newspapers, the Right inched forward only by a cautious 0.3%,but they still have a solid support level of 25.3%.
Their colleagues in FRP stand roughly at a standstill, with a declining marginal figure of 0.1%, and a response rate of 12.6%, while the Left (Venstre) is still below the threshold, with 3.3% support after dropping by 0.6% in poll position.
The biggest drop, however was for The Christian Democratic Party (Kristelig Folkeparti -KrF). Knut Arild Hareide saw his party fall by 1.4% to 4.2%, and it actually approaches the low threshold.
‘It is the job of each party to lift themselves up. Then we will jointly be better off to show what we can achieve’, said Prime Minister,Erna Solberg in a comment to Klassekampen newspaper.
In contrast to several other polls in recent months, this poll gave the Senterpartiet , somewhat less support. In fact, yesterday the party were put back by 0.7% to an 8.9% support level.
Still working are Arbeiderpartiet, who went up 0.5% to a 34.4% total. The Senterpartiet received several mandates, alone totalling more than the four non-socialist parties combined.
Senterpartiet, in fact, received 80 mandates altogether, while the non-socialist parties received 78.
The results of the other parties are shown (with the difference from the previous measurement in brackets) as: The Socialist Left Party at 4.2 (0.5), Rødt – Red at 2.7 (1.1), The Green Party getting 2.5 (0.1) and others at 2.0 (+0.5).
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today