Nikab forbidden in Norwegian schools


Parliament approved a ban on clothing that fully or partially covers the face in all educational situations.


A ban on Nikabs in Norwegian schools has been a long-standing debate, but it was expected that the government’s proposal for such a ban would win a majority in parliament.

‘’This is very pleasing! When Fremskrittsparti (Frp) proposed a total ban on Nikabs and Burkas in 2003,we were ridiculed. Now we see that we have managed to pull the political environment in our direction,” said Frp representative and prosecutor, Åshild Bruun-Gundersen to Bergens Tidende newspaper.

The government wants, initially, to prohibit the use of the nikab and burka in all the educational institutions throughout their working hours. However, after the Venstre (V) came into the government, the ban now applies only in the teaching situation.

Norway became the first of the Nordic countries to introduce a national ban on face-covering garments like the burka and nikab in education.

All educational institutions

The prohibition will apply to students and employees in primary and lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, colleges and universities. In kindergartens, the prohibition will only apply to employees, not to the children.

It will also apply to introductory programs and training for newly arrived immigrants in the municipalities as well as for apprentices,practice letter candidates and teacher candidates.


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