A new survey reveals that 1420 Norwegian elderly citizens can’t enter nursing homes due to a lack of space.
The Norwegian Directorate of Health (NDH) released results of a nation-wide, municipal survey reflecting eligible Norwegian citizens seeking nurse-assisted living but denied care due to lack of nursing home vacancies.
Åse Michaelsen, Senior & Public Health Minister released statement, saying; “I’m pleased that, for the first time, we now have a national overview of people on waiting lists for entry to nursing homes . These lists will provide elderly care givers and their relatives predictability and security.’ –
“It’s important that we can now track the progress of waiting list patients over time. We want full transparency about the situation in the municipalities. Using waiting lists helps give municipalities better overview of space requirements,and to help in long term / short term planning,” said Michaelsen.
Per said NDH survey, April 15th saw Norway’s townships forward their ‘waiting list’ data of qualified patients suffering needed assistance.
405 out of 422 municipalities responded to the survey; response rate of 96%
– representing 98.8% of Norway’s population.
The NDH report summation of municipal elderly ‘waiting list’ data reveals that almost half of Norway’s municipalities, 44%, see citizens awaiting admission to long-term, assisted health care but unable to do so due to lack of space.
The NDH report also reveals that of 1420 pending, long-term patients; 457 souls are currently waiting while living within their own homes.
The Directorate of Health intends to review 2018’s municipal survey and determine if modifications or clarifications are required before the next pending-patient survey.
The Norwegian Directorate of Health is organised under both the Ministry of Health and The Ministry of Labour.
Source: visitoslo.com / Norway Today