No parties that challenged infection control in the big cities night to Monday

Drink beer.Photo: Kyrre Lien / SCANPIX NB Modellklarert

After a weekend marked by parties, drunks and mass gatherings, the police in the largest cities report a quiet night to Monday.

In Oslo, Stavanger, Kristiansand and Tromsø, the police inform NTB that it was a quiet and calm night without gatherings reminiscent of what was earlier this weekend, when several parties challenged the infection control rules.

In Bergen, the operations center reports that the police have been out and stopped 6-7 parties, but it was primarily to keep the peace for the neighbors.

The same is stated by the police in Trondheim. There, the police received reports of noise near NTNU, but when the police arrived at the scene, the party was already over.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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