Norway is in 6th position in a new USA report describing living conditions for immigrants in a large number of countries.
Sweden is at the top of the list, prepared by U.S. News and World Report, and reproduced in The Washington Post, wrote VG newspaper.
Norway got second place among the Nordic countries in the top 10 of the 80 nations surveyed, with Finland at 9th position, and Denmark in 10th place. Sweden is followed by Canada, Switzerland, Australia and Germany in front of Norway. The USA itself is ranked at number 7 on the list.
Economy and equal pay
The survey looks, among other things, at economic stability, equal pay and the job market. World Bank and UN data are also taken into account, and a survey of over 21,000 business leaders, so called members of the ‘elite’, and similarly so called, ‘ordinary citizens’ were also surveyed.
Additionally, researchers studied how much money immigrants had the opportunity to return to their home country. The survey didn’t pay particular attention to refugees, but included immigration policy and integration into the calculation of results. Norway scored highly in the areas of economy and equal pay.
Serbia and the Czech Republic
European countries and North America generally scored well. Serbia and the Czech Republic were in 68th and 50th position respectively, so not so well.
In the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates had the highest position, at 15th place, while Singapore was the best of the Asian nations, in 18th place. Of the African countries, South Africa was ranked highest with 32nd position, and Brazil among the South American countries in 45th place.
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