Norway has around 54 million corona tests at municipal and national warehouses – about ten tests per Norwegian.
The tests in stock are worth around NOK 1.6 billion, the newspaper Dagbladet writes.
At present, there is no requirement to test oneself in Norway, and no more than a few thousand tests are used per week. But if the infection picks up or there is a new virus variant, the first measure is to step up the testing, State Secretary Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt (AP) in the Ministry of Health and Care Services stated.
“The prerequisite for being able to follow the contingency plan is that we have a contingency stock that is large enough that the supply situation on the world market is not of decisive relevance. Norway’s residual stock with rapid tests corresponds to ten weeks of high activity,” he explained.
Assistant director of health Espen Rostrup Nakstad says that significant funds have been set aside to purchase more tests if needed.
“So far, it has not been necessary because we have many in stock. It is not certain that there will be a need to purchase more tests next year at all, but we do not know for sure yet.”
Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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