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Norway tightens anti-corona rules for close contacts

Bent HøiePhoto: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Since much of the infection occurs in private homes, the rules for close contacts are being tightened. The Norwegian government is now asking quarantined adults in the same home to keep their distance.

As part of the clarification of the new coronavirus rules and guidelines, the government is now introducing a requirement that those in quarantine and those who develop symptoms must isolate themselves immediately until they get a negative test result.

The quarantine period, which is ten days, must be completed in full, even if you get a negative answer to the test.

People infected with the coronavirus must isolate themselves at home, while the close contacts of those infected with the virus must go into quarantine.

Three measures

Minister of Health Bent Høie (H) pointed out that a significant proportion of the infection now occurs between people who live together. 

The Norwegian Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) have, therefore, recommended three measures to prevent the further spread of infection.

“The government will follow the recommendations, which came into force on Friday, October 30,” he said in a press release.

Everyone who has been in close contact with an infected person is required to go into quarantine. 

In such cases, it is recommended that the people get tested.

“That makes it possible to isolate infected and quarantine household members faster. 

“The quarantine period of 10 days must be fully carried out, even if one gets a negative test result,” the press release noted.

Keeping distance from other household members

To prevent family members from infecting each other, adults in the same quarantined household are now encouraged to keep their distance from each other. 

The council applies to adult household members and does not prevent contact between children and parents.

“For many, it will be difficult to keep their distance from other family members in their own home. 

“To prevent family members from infecting each other, the municipalities have a duty to offer accommodation to infected people who do not have the opportunity to isolate themselves in their own homes. 

“Several of the largest cities have their own hotels for people who are infected,” Høie said.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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