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Norway’s FHI official: The corona measures may place a greater burden on society than the disease itself

Frode ForlandPhoto: Vidar Ruud / NTB

There is room to gradually ease the coronary measures, FHI official Frode Forland said on Tuesday. He believes that the measures may cause greater strain on society than the disease itself.

“Therefore, we evaluate this (i.e. the situation) continuously, for the government to adjust things,” Frode Forland at the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) told the newspaper VG.

Norway has set a number of daily infection records in recent weeks, at the same time as the number of hospital admissions has decreased somewhat and remained at a generally stable level.

Recently, several measures have been eased, including quarantine requirements and alcohol-serving restrictions. Forland believes that the infection situation in Norway is now under control and that there may be room for further relief.

“The measures will continue to be relaxed if it goes well, and it seems to be going well,” Forland said. He noted that the measures might place a greater burden than the COVID disease itself.

“The measures still impose a significant burden on society, the economy, and the individual. Not least, on children and young people who are away from school and activities,” he warned.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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