The Norwegian government decided to uphold most of the corona measures that were introduced in connection with the outbreaks of the mutated coronavirus in Nordre Follo and Halden.
“The infection situation is confusing and developing rapidly. Cases of more contagious virus variants are constantly being found, and there is an unknown route of transmission to several of the infected. Therefore, the measures will be continued to a large extent,” Minister of Health Bent Høie (H) said.
The current measures last until Wednesday. The most important changes after that are that Nordre Follo and Ås will be moved from ring 1 to ring 2, and get some relief in the level of measures.
Enebakk, Frogn, Nesodden, and Vestby are excluded from the scheme of stricter national measures and are free to decide on measures locally.
Several municipalities affected
Very strict, but somewhat milder measures (category B) are continued in Nordre Follo, Ås, Asker, Bærum, Indre Østfold, Hvaler, Fredrikstad, Moss, Rakkestad, Råde, Skiptvet, Våler, Lillestrøm, Lunner, Lørenskog, Rælingen, and Nittedal.
Nordre Follo and Ås now have good control of the infection situation after the mutated virus outbreak, so they are being moved from ring 1 to ring 2.
“This means that Nordre Follo and Ås can, from February 11, open fitness centers for people who live in the municipalities. It is also no longer forbidden to carry out events,” Høie said.
New categorization
Until now, ring 1 or ring 2 categories referred to the strictness of the measures in various municipalities.
The government is now coming up with a clarification that could further complicate the classification.
“Ring 1 and ring 2 are only geographical indications. The level of measures chosen for ring 1 and ring 2 depends on the outbreak’s severity.
“There are four levels of measures that can be used. These are A (particularly high/strict level of measures), B (high/strict level of measures), C (fairly/strict high level of measures), and D (somewhat high/strict level of measures).
According to this system, Oslo, Halden, and Sarpsborg are in category A. In these municipalities, there is currently a full alcohol-serving ban, closed shopping centers, and closed fitness centers.
The municipalities in category B also have closed shopping centers and alcohol-serving bans, but they may have open fitness centers for their inhabitants.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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