The Green Party’s (MDG) leader Une Bastholm asked the Norwegian government parties to bypass the Progress Party (FRP), form a majority, and receive more than 50 asylum seekers from the Moria camp in Greece.
The government has announced that it would take in 50 asylum seekers from the fire-ravaged Moria camp on Lesvos in Greece.
Bastholm pointed out that there is a majority among the Norwegian population and a strong desire in many municipalities to receive more.
That should also create a majority in the Norwegian parliament (Storting), Bastholm told news bureau NTB.
“The hope is to create a different dynamic in asylum policy, (one that is different from) the government automatically siding with the FRP and allowing them to dictate and limit Norway’s contribution,” she said.
Necessary to act before winter
Bastholm appealed to all opposition parties, as well as the ruling Conservatives (H), the Liberal Party (V), and the Christian Democrats (KRF).
The Liberal Party and KRF have both been clear that they want to receive more than 50 refugees.
For the proposal to get a majority in the Storting, four representatives from either KrF or the Liberal Party would be needed.
“I’m taking the initiative to get the case moving in the Storting. The goal is to agree on a cross-party formulation that would oblige Norway to accept more than 50 (refugees) from Moria,” she noted, adding that it was important to find a solution before the state budget is adopted and before winter arrives at the Moria camp.
The Greens want 1,500 asylum seekers
The MDG has stated that Norway must accept 1,500 asylum seekers from Moria, but the party is willing to enter into a dialogue with the other parties about the exact number.
“With the low arrival numbers of asylum seekers to Norway, many asylum reception centers are empty.
There is also a large capacity to receive asylum seekers in the municipalities.
The Moria case is a purely political issue, not a capacity issue,” Bastholm warned.
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