Norwegian child care system under attack


A number of countries have contacted the Norwegian authorities to discuss the Norwegian child care system after several controversial cases where parents have had their children taken away.

According to Dagbladet, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Nigeria, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Brazil, Thailand, Egypt and India have all contacted the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (BLF) to discuss the Norwegian child care system.

– BLF and Bufdir has held several meetings with foreign embassies or delegations, in Norway or abroad.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also been represented at many of the meetings.

We have had more frequent contact with some of those countries  than others, Rune M. Akselsen, senior communication advisor in BLD, says.

The much-publicized child welfare case in Naustdal, where a Norwegian-Romanian couples had their children taken away from them, lead to a more difficult climate between Norway and Romania. And a case where a Czech mother has had her children taken  away has led to reactions from the Czech Republic.

But the reactions against the Norwegian Child Care has come from a number of other countries as well.

60 demonstrations against the Norwegian child care system have been organized around the world this year, and last month it was announced that the European Court of Human Rights is going to investigate seven  cases involving the Norwegian child care sys.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today