Norwegian concern over the treatment of gays in Tanzania
“I’m worried about the situation of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender (LHBTG) persons in Tanzania,” said Foreign Minister, Ine Eriksen Søreide of Høyre (H).
She asked that rights for sexual minorities in Tanzania be followed up.
“At the same time, it is positive that the Government of Tanzania has emphasised that they are in line with their human rights obligations and that they have disregarded the announced action against LHBTG persons,” according to the Foreign Minister.
Governor Paul Makonda, of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, has asked residents to report gays from Monday so that they can be arrested.
In a statement by Tanzania’s Foreign Minister on Sunday, the government distanced itself from the actions of the district governor.
‘’Norway is committed to strengthening the protection of human rights, including LHBTG rights,’’ Søreide said.
“We now assume that the Tanzanian government are following up with local authorities in Dar es Salaam and that authorities of all levels respect the human rights conventions and agreements they have agreed to.
Human rights are part of Norway’s ongoing dialogue with the Tanzanian authorities’ she said.
Development Minister, Nikolai Astrup (H), is planning a trip to Tanzania in late November.
‘’Human rights are a concern in development policy. I will address the situation for LHBTG persons when I visit Tanzania in late November,’’ Astrup stated.
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