Norway has contributed a three-digit million amount to the Clinton Foundation, but the amount is divided into several subgroups, so that Norway appears to be contributing far less than it really does.
The Clinton Foundation reports the funds from Norway and Norad separately, writes Dagbladet.
Norad report that between 2007 and 2015 the Norwegian support to the Clinton Foundation has been at $ 89.6 million, while the Clinton Foundation’s website states that the support is between 10 and 25 million dollars.
The support is further divided up between the different parts of the foundation, who report their own donors. The newspaper uses Clinton Health Access Initiative, which has been an independent organization since 2010, as an example. They are listed under “Our Work” on the website and have received Norwegian funds, but the support is not registered in the list of donations to the Clinton Foundation.
The presumed Democratic presidential candidate has been strongly criticized both by the candidate for the Republicans, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, who both think the monetary gifts weakens her independence. Specifically, they have criticized the huge donations from human rights violator Saudi Arabia.
The donations the Clinton Foundation has received from Australia are also divided in the same way as the Norwegian gifts.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today
Why Norway has supported the corrupted American woman who did terrible things to her own people…
I never voted for her because I could feel. She is a betray kind. Showed on over her face…