Hillary Clinton managed to tease and provoke Donald Trump in the first debate between the two presidential candidates.
The result was a clear win for Clinton, according to Norwegian experts.
– Clinton showed that she was well-prepared, and she came with concrete solutions to specific problems, says Professor Alf Tomas Tønnesen at Volda.
Tønnesen is even in place in the US during the campaign. He thinks Clinton managed to draw a picture of Trump as a rich person that has no contact with ordinary Americans.
– Trump fell for the trap by saying, among other things, that 650,000 dollars is not much money, says Tønnesen to news agency NTB.
– Hillary Clinton appeared relaxed and well prepared and won a clear victory, he adds.
– A clear victory
Clinton’s efforts in the debate were so good that she can convince more undecided American voters believes political scientist Vårin Alme.
She believes the “obvious victory” may be psychologically important and make it possible to halt Trumps success at the polls recently.
According to her, Trump was not so “bad” that he will lose many core voters.
– For voters who are frustrated over how they are doing and the state of the country, he can emerge as the winner.
Following the debate, Trump both claimed that he won, and that he got a microphone that was not working properly on stage.
Alme think in the future will either continue to insist that he won – or try to portray himself as a victim who is constantly attacked by the media.
Both strategies may work well against Trumps core voters.
– Not as wild as expected
Rhetoric Professor Jens Elmelunde Kjeldsen also believes that Clinton did best of the duel, but was expecting a higher temperature during the debate.
– It was not as wild and full of surprises as one might have expected, he said.
– Trump tried to appear as a statesman and not a crazy person. But in other ways he was still as he usually is says Kjeldsen, and points out the constant interruptions from the Republican presidential candidate.
According to US-familiar Jan Arild Snoen Trump’s stake in the debate was marked by reasoning without head and tail, and bombastic statements about himself.
Clinton managed to annoy him says Snoen.
– Especially when she came with attacks on his business practices. If you question the money or his business, we know that he gets annoyed, and he was tonight. The annoyances made him interrupt her frequently, and one should be careful about that in a debate.
Trumps’ debate style is described as “politically free jazz” by lecturer Ketil Raknes. “Some solid riffs and much strange improvisation,” he writes on Twitter. Snoen thinks this is a good description.
– It was just more and more improvised eventually. At first he was, but it slipped more and more out. It seemed as though he was tired and put out, says Snoen.
If Clinton hijacked new voters during the debate, he is however uncertain.
– There are not many who will move, but it is steady, and therefore it also assists with 1 percent extra, he points out.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today