The Norwegian government wants the licensing of wind power projects on land to resume after a three-year break. But development must take place with the consent of the municipalities.
The information was announced by Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Lien Aasland (AP) when he presented the key points from the government’s supplement to the energy report on Friday.
Wind power is a key factor in the power supply of the future, and the government will ask the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) to resume the licensing process.
“But it must happen in line with what the municipalities want. I think we can get a lot of municipalities involved in that,” Aasland said.
He pointed out that they have also sent out a proposal for a production tax for consultation. He believes wind power on land means a significant opportunity for the Norwegian industry.
The government is also working to speed up the processes related to offshore wind projects. The first projects may be operational before 2030, according to Aasland.
Today, ordinary licensing takes eight to nine years, but the government wants it to happen faster.
Hydrogen production
The government also wants to facilitate hydrogen production with low or no emissions to meet national demand.
Norway will contribute to developing a market for hydrogen in Europe by creating a market here at home and collaborating with European and other countries to formulate rules.
“A socio-economically profitable” production of blue hydrogen will be established, for example, through Gassco. Area for CO2 storage must also be allocated, and relevant applications for development under the storage regulations must be processed quickly.
An external study will review how the state can contribute to building a coherent value chain for hydrogen with low or no emissions.
Energy efficiency measures through Husbanken
Aasland emphasized that there is also a lot to be gained from energy-saving measures in homes. This is also something people with low incomes must take part in, he pointed out.
The government proposes a support scheme be established through the Norwegian State Housing Bank (Husbanken) starting next year.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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