Indicted Norwegian-Iranian celebrated with the Ambassador of Iran
The assault indicted Norwegian-Iranian celebrated Persian New Year at the Iranian Embassy in Oslo. Former Minister of Fisheries, Per Sandberg (Progress Party) together with his girlfriend and Iranian refugee, Bahareh Letnes, were also in attendance at the event.
This is documented in a picture that the National Public Broadcaster, NRK, has gained access to. According to the NRK, the picture allegedly is taken by an employee of the Iranian Embassy in Oslo, displaying several of the participants during the marking that took place on March 24th, 2018.
Several sources that NRK has been in contact with states that it is the aforementioned Norwegian-Iranian who is snapped among the guests.
– I have no idea why he was at the event. I will be happy if the photograph is given to the police if it pertains to the investigation, the man’s lawyer, Allan Lund Christensen, tells NRK.
The assault indicted Norwegian-Iranian was seated in the first row next to the Iranian ambassador to Norway, Mohammad Hassan Habibollah Zadeh. On the same row, several prominent guests were seated, including the then Minister of Fisheries, Per Sandberg, and Bahare Letnes.
The 39-year-old Norwegian-Iranian was arrested by the Swedish security police (Säpo) in Gothenburg, Sweden on October 21st. He is charged with planning to attack three members of the Iranian insurgent group ASMLA, who resides in Denmark (and are suspected of affinity to terror, see below). In addition, he is suspected of having ties to Iranian intelligence. On Thursday he was detained for another four weeks.
Detained for 4 more weeks in Denmark
The District Court of Copenhagen On Thursday detained the man for another four weeks, until December 6th.
The court believes there is a clear reason to suspect that the 39-years-old has participated in the preparation of politically motivated murders.
Iran believes the charges against the Norwegian-Iranian in Denmark are part of a conspiracy led by Israel.
The Nordic Ministers of Foreign Affairs issued a joint statement during the Nordic Council last week that the attack plan is a serious threat to security in the Nordic region.
Iran’s ambassador to Norway had to meet in the Foreign Ministry last week to receive a harsh repose to the disclosure of the attack plans in Denmark. Denmark has recalled their ambassador from Iran.
The man denies guilt and would like to make his statement, his defender, lawyer Allan Lund Christensen says, according to the Danish news agency Ritzau.
hailed a terrorist attack in Iran
The Danish police arrested three people from the exile organization ASMLA and charged them with hailing a terrorist attack in Iran. These are the same that the indicted Norwegian allegedly planned the assassination of.
The three exile Iranians are all members of the organization Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz (ASMLA) and accused of hailing a terrorist attack in Iran on September 22nd that cost 25 people their lives.
Iranian authorities have accused ASMLA of being behind the attack.
Last week it became known that the Police Intelligence Service in Denmark (PET), similar to the Norwegian PST, suspects that the Iranian authorities plan an attack on 3 ASMLA members residing in Denmark.
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