Norwegian newspapers fear that America’s new president Donald Trump will cause more problems for Norway.
‘We believe that with Trump as president, there are likely to be more and more dangerous conflicts in the world. Trump is not a man we need in the world’s most important job’, wrote Dagbladet in its editorial the day after the U.S. election.
The newspaper thinks Trump is dangerous because ‘he is a mixture of ignorant, revolutionary and impulsive.’
The newspaper classified him as ‘a narcissistic bully, who is more concerned with himself than with what is good for his surroundings.’
Aftenposten newspaper’s editorial also warned that Trump’s electoral victory should be seen as an alert to other countries.
‘After Brexit, and especially Trump’s win, everything now seems possible. No one can say with certainty any longer that Le Pen cannot be France’s next president after the elections next spring’.
VG holds the same position as the other papers, but says that Trump must be given a chance.
‘Our politicians must deal with Trump. Their main job now is to safeguard Norwegian interests. The hope now must be that Trump takes charge of his’, the newspaper said.
Dagbladet is far less positive, fearing that the world, which already consists of dangerous conflicts, will meet with yet more.
‘We fear that Trump could easily become part of the problem, and not the solution in all of these serious issues’, the newspaper said.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today
And that is exactly why Dagbladet is such a great example of biased media. It cannot report anything without some sort of premeditated assumptions. I do not trust Dagbladet to report ANYTHING impartially.