Norwegian pilots have been offered four times their pay to come back and work on holidays, so the company may wind up the summer travel season.
On Saturday,18 departures were canceled on short notice, partly because of lack of crew. This occurred almost immediately after their overtime agreement on purchase and sale of holidays was refused by the union.
To prevent this from happening again, the company has offered to pay pilots four times their normal pay to meet the work schedule, writes Dagbladet. The offer is however only for the days between the 4th and 7th of July and only applies to pilots who cancels their holidays.
– We have stretched far in order to entice them to fly, says press officer Charlotte Holmbergh Jacobsson in Norwegian confirming the offer. She thinks this is very profitable for the pilots, the pilot association leader Halvor Vatne agrees.
If they offer to pay this payment for four daily salaries, which is alot of money, said Vatnar, who himself had not received the offer, then the situation shows that the company has not hired enough pilots nor plan to use overtime to conduct regular operations.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today