Norwegian politicians say New Zealand terror attack is violent, dark, and infinitely sad

Prime Minister Erna Solberg.Photo: NTB scanpix / Höök, Pontus

Prime Minister Erna Solberg said the terrorist attack in New Zealand shows how important international work against extremism is.

‘’It is a reminder that we have to fight extremism in all forms. What this looks like is a terrorist attack from the extreme right against immigrants and refugees, and even though it happens across the globe, it is a strong reminder of how important it is for all of us to help reduce tensions. Working towards fighting extremism, we have solidarity with each other when something like this happens’’ said Solberg of Høyre (H) to NRK news.

The suspect posted a manifesto online in connection with the attack.

‘’Unfortunately, this gives rise to associations with a situation in Norway, which is the worst in our time. It shows that the international work against extremism is so important. But first and foremost, we are now mourning all those killed and wounded and, not least, showing solidarity with their families.

Major says ‘’words become poor”

‘’Several tens of innocent people have been killed, many are injured, even more have lost one of their closest family. Words become poor in the face of the tragedy that is now affecting so many people’’ said Arbeiderpartiet leader, Jonas Gahr Støre, in a comment.

‘’The thoughts inevitably turn to our own history and attack on AUF and on our democracy on July 22nd, 2011. The alleged offender from Australia posted a manifesto showing that he shares the attitudes that led to the terrorist attack at home. It is a dramatic reminder that this dangerous way of thinking lives on and poses a major threat to our values and our security’’ Støre continued.


Several Norwegian politicians, early on Friday morning, condemned the terrorist attack against two mosques in New Zealand.

“We must strongly condemn the terrorist attack on innocent people gathered for peaceful Friday prayer in the New Zealand mosques” said Abid Raja of Venstre (V).

“Everybody’s thoughts go to the victims and their families. We must fight all types of extremism, and extremism blindly affects us all” wrote Raja.


Minister of Business Affairs, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) also sent thoughts and compassion to all who are affected.

“A terrorist attack on believers who attended Friday prayers. An attack on the innocent just because they believe in Allah. So dark’’ wrote Torbjørn Røe Isaksen on Twitter.

Knut Arild Hareide of Kristelig Folkeparti (KrF) wrote that it is painful and infinitely sad to wake up to the news of the terrorist incident in New Zealand.

“This time, innocent Muslims in a mosque are hit” he wrote and sent thoughts and compassion to the entire people of New Zealand who experienced such a disaster.

Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF), the Minister of Children and Family, also mentioned the attack as ‘’cruel’’ and sent thoughts and prayers to the wounded and bereaved.

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