Every three Norwegians think the world will become a poorer place to inhabit in ten years time, according to a poll, conducted by ‘Opinion’ for Kirkens Nødhjelp (Norwegian Church Aid – NCA).
‘The media image is strongly influenced by news of war, disaster, climate crisis and political unrest. For many people, it’s probably difficult to see a bright future in such a dramatic world situation, said the Secretary General, Anne-Marie Helland, of the NCA.
The poll showed that 35% do not believe it will become a better world, 38% think it will remain as it is at present, and only 15% of those surveyed think the world will be better in 2027.
‘I think it’s sad that so many people have such a gloomy view of the future. For the truth is, the world is evolving in the right direction in many important areas, such as in fighting poverty, infant mortality and gaining access to clean water’, said Helland.
Nor is confidence in the future strong among young people. Only one in five younger people, aged between 18 and 29 years old, think the world will become a better place to live in ten years.
‘It is a pity that young people in Norway are not more optimistic on the world’s behalf. It’s those youngsters who can contribute most to the world developing in the right direction’, said Helland.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today