Over half of the respondents believe FRP has the right amount of influence or too little influence on the government’s asylum and refugee policy, according to a poll made for the newspaper Dagbladet.
38 percent of respondents believe FRP has a the right amount of influence on the government’s asylum and refugee policicy, and 15 percent believe they don’t have enough influence. This seems to indicate that just over half of the voters support the asylum and refugee policy of the Progress Party and their influence on current government policy in this area. 40 percent believe FRP has too much influence.
– It is surprisingly many who believe that the party with the strictest policy in this area has too little influence or just the right amount of influence. I’m sure FRP are satisfied with these figures, says Johannes Bergh, Department of Social Research told Dagbladet.
Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug is satisfied with the gigures.
– This indicates that many are satisfied with the policies we pursue in this area, and that people agree that we have to take certain measures in order to ensure sustainable immigration and asylum policy, Listhaug says.
She believes one of the reasons for the wide support is that many Norwegians have been watching the developments in Sweden closely.
– People see challenges Sweden now are facing, after having accepted 160,000 refugees only last year, and they do not want Norway to end up in the same situation. How well we will succeed will be affected by how many refugees that are to be integrated.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today