It is not relevant to introduce a halt in the settlement of refugees in Oslo, Minister of Knowledge and Integration, Jan Tore Sanner of Høyre (H) stated.
‘’That’s out of the question. Oslo must also take its share of the responsibility. It is also related to the need for preparedness and expertise’’ said Sanner to NTB news.
In recent days, more people have argued that a temporary halt in the settlement of refugees in Oslo is being introduced, among other things in order to increase capacity to handle existing integration challenges.
‘’Oslo has considerable expertise in settlement and integration. If we introduce a complete stop in Oslo, this will mean that we lose a lot of the expertise that we will need for emergency preparedness, for example if a new refugee crisis comes’’ said the Minister.
The Directorate for Integration and Diversity has asked the City of Oslo to settle 250 refugees in 2019, against 350 in 2018.
‘’It is already the case that fewer people will be settled in Oslo than before. We have set new criteria for the settlement policy, which also means that refugees will be settled more widely, all across the country” said Sanner.
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