Now Norway has 55 ‘language municipalities’


‘Language municipalities’ doubles from 27 to 55.

– The municipalities will be important examples for working with languages in kindergartens, schools and higher education, according to Minister of Knowledge and Education, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.

The so-called ‘Language municipalities’ are part of the Government’s initiative dubbed Language Tracks – the national strategy for language, reading and writing for the period 2016 to 2019. The goal is to strengthen the language work in kindergartens, and make students have better skills in reading and writing.

The first language municipalities were instigated last year. Now the Directorate of Education expands the list by selecting 28 additional municipalities among 38 applicants.

 Challenges with reading and writing

Many students struggle with basic literary skills. In national tests performed in the autumn of 2016, 23 percent of girls and 28 percent of boys in the 5th grade scored at the lowest level of mastering. Therefore, the Government has initiated a major commitment to early efforts and ‘Language Tracks’ is a part of this.

– Language is important for children’s play, friendship and learning in kindergartens, and it is crucial for students’ academic and social development at school. That’s why it’s great that so many kindergarten teachers and teachers engage in the municipalities. It provides many exciting initiatives throughout the country, Røe Isaksen states.

Monday, April 24th, the Minister of Knowledge presents a new framework for kindergartens. This will also help to strengthen the work on language skills.

From kindergarten to high school

The Directorate of Education has emphasized that the language municipalities have a systematic and comprehensive focus on language, reading and writing in kindergarten, schools and higher education. This year, about NOK 30 million has also been allocated to the initiative.

The designated municipalities receive grants to establish and operate local professional networks. Kindergarten- and other teachers will participate in these professional networks to develop new ways of working locally with language, reading and writing both in kindergarten and school. The municipalities receive grants to buy services from teachers with special skills. They also receive professional support along the way from the Reading- and Writing Centre.


Source: / Norway Today