Norway almost devoid of onions

Vegetables in a Norwegian grocery store. Photo: Sara Johannessen / SCANPIX

Almost empty of onions in Norway

After the dry summer, the onion stock is 70% less in January than it was last year at the same time, and it is almost empty for Norwegian stocks.

This was shown in figures from the Directorate of Agriculture’s count.

In particular, yellow onions are affected.

«In January last year, there were almost 8,000 tonnes of onions in stock, this year it is down to 2,600 tonnes,» wrote Nationen newspaper.

‘’It’s bad with onions, and I think most farmers are empty by February. The onions we planted in April and the beginning of May were good.

Those we planted around May 17 did not tolerate the hot period, even though we watered them three days a week,’’ said farmer, Ole Konrad Fløgstad, to the newspaper.

For red onions, the situation is somewhat better.

It has gone from almost 2,900 tonnes last year to 1,200 tonnes this year.

When the stocks are now being emptied, Norwegian shops must look abroad for onions.

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