‘Ønskebarn’, the association for involuntarily childless people, are very pleased with Høyres’ egg donation programme, and expects parliament to say ‘yes’ to a Norwegian offer.
“We are very pleased with the decision by Høyre (H) to allow egg donations and assisted fertilisation to single persons in Norway. That means a lot to many who are affected’’, said chairman, Lise Boeck Jakobsen of ‘Ønskebarn’.
“This means that parliament can adopt a Norwegian treatment offer when they discuss the issue of revised biotechnology law later this spring,” said Jakobsen.
The recommendation on revised biotechnology law is presented by the Health Committee to parliament in early May.
“It is now important to develop a good and effective treatment offer that benefits from the experience of other European countries, and which ensures good processing capacity,” said Jakobsen.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
Thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!
And a hurrah for Number 4, as in the four letters of the Number FOUR and the four letters in the name JOAN…. …….4 as in the Fourth Dimension, the Four Cardinal Points, the Four Seasons of the Year and the Square, as in 4 the smallest composite number! And…..the Four Great Elements – earth, water, fire, and wind and The four Matriarchs, fore-mothers of Judaism Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, and Rachel.
Do I hear a second to the motion, get a thumbs up, and a Hurrah for Number 4? (smile)