A 17-year-old has been remanded in custody for two weeks with a visit ban after a man in his 20s was stabbed in Strøget in Oslo on Sunday night.
The 17-year-old does not admit criminal guilt, police lawyer Ingvild Myrold told newspaper Dagbladet.
A total of five people have been charged in the case, and two are now in prison.
On Monday, a 17-year-old was remanded in custody for two weeks. Another 17-year-old is also charged in the case but has been released. The two are charged with attempted murder or complicity in an attempted murder. According to police, the victim has life-threateningly injuries.
Case details
A police patrol found the victim around 1:25 AM on Sunday. The crime scene is located at Strøget, an alley between Torggata and Storgata. The two 17-year-olds were arrested at 4:30 AM.
Police are also looking for more perpetrators. Several people were seen running from the site in the direction of Oslo Cathedral after the incident.
“I do not want to go into details, but the victim does not appear to be a random victim,” Fengsrud told NTB on Monday.
Witnesses who may have seen something are asked to contact the police via telephone at 02800 or tips.politiet.no.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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