Paper should make people more digital


Only 1.1 million Norwegians use digital mailboxes. Now the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (DIFI) are making a pledge – on paper – to get more people to drop paper and go digital.

In October and November, more than 2.6 million Norwegians will get letters in the mail about how to choose a digital mailbox.

– Many people might think that it is a paradox for the government to send out information about going digital in  paper form, but the goal is to just send letters digitally in the future.

Then we will depend on people to have created a mailbox that we can send digital letters to, says director Steffen Sutorius in Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (DIFI).

A digital mailbox will be far safer than your regular inbox,  and  public services in particular use such a mailbox to submit sensitive material such as tax information, legal decisions and health information.

DIFI has calculated that the government could save nearly 400 million kroner each year when submitting such documents digitally rather than by letter.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today
