On Wednesday the parliamentary presidency and Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide conveyed their condolences to the Belgian ambassador after the terrorist attacks in Brussels.
Tuesday’s terrorist acts in Brussels is an attack on all of us. On behalf of Stortinget I want to express our deep sorrow and participation to all who are affected by the horrific attacks in Brussels. Our thoughts are with those affected, their families and to all the Belgian people. We share their grief and we share their sense of powerlessness, anger and despair, Parliamentary President Olemic Thommessen said in a statement.
The parliament’s condolences were conveyed by First Vice President of the parliament Marit Nybakk to the Belgian ambassador Nancy Rossignol. The parliamentary presidency has also sent a condolence letter to the Belgian Senate President and Speaker of the Parliament, as well as European Parliament president.
Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide also signed a condolence protocol in the Belgian ambassador’s residence Wednesday.
– I wrote that I, on behalf of the government expressed condolences with the Belgian people and deep sympathy to all those families who have lost loved ones or who have been injured back home, Søreide says.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today