‘I would like to congratulate the Philippine Government and the communist movement NDFP on having completed a constructive third round of peace talks.
Both sides are still showing great willingness to find a solution to the conflict. I am pleased that the parties have agreed to meet again in Oslo in April for a new round of talks,’ Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende said.
The third round of talks between the Philippine Government and the communist movement NDFP took place from 19-25 January. The parties to the talks have made progress on a vital item on the agenda: social and economic reforms.
In order to accelerate the negotiations, the parties have agreed to establish teams that will work in the Philippines between the rounds of talks to tackle contentious provisions. They have also signed guidelines for the work of the Joint Monitoring Committee, which monitors compliance with the 1998 agreement on human rights and international humanitarian law.
The unilateral ceasefires announced by the parties in August 2016 are still in force. The parties agree to work for a bilateral ceasefire to replace these. They also agree that they will continue to discuss an amnesty and the release of political prisoners.
The fourth round of talks will take place in Oslo in early April. Norway has been facilitator of the peace process since 2001.
Source: government.no / Norway Today